VIP Karachi Call Girls Ads By
Pakistan is a country where prostitution is illegal. However, the country's social dynamics have made it a still-prevalent profession. It is estimated that Karachi has at least 5,000 call girls in its sex industry. It is an unregulated and hidden industry with no health standards or regulations. It fuels the country's economy by generating income from prostitution and contributes to the lack of public awareness of sexual health issues. The popularity of Call Girls in Karachi increased after the liberalization process in the 1990s. There was a surplus of sex workers following the nuclear program, which stopped immigration from neighboring countries and created a free market for women. Karachi is the most populous city, with a population of approximately 25 million people. But the city is also known for its high sexually transmitted diseases and prostitution rate. In 2017, a group of VIP Karachi Escorts launched a call-girl service to combat the shortage of ...